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our missioN

We support, connect, and enrich the lives of individuals and families across North Carolina.

You will find approachable staff, a cup of coffee, and a therapist working WITH you and your family to reach your goals. 

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Pediatric speech therapists evaluate and treat communication challenges, both expressive (saying words) and receptive (understanding language), that cause children to have difficulty with verbal communication.

Speech therapy also treats oral motor concerns, such as chewing and swallowing, as well as articulation, auditory processing, and social skills. Speech therapists can help establish varied methods of communication including augmentative devices.

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Pediatric Occupational Therapists work to improve children’s global development including physical, cognitive, and foundation skills such as sensory processing to assist the child and family in maximizing their success in all areas of daily life.

Occupational therapists work on children’s primary occupations: playing, learning, making friends, and being part of a family.

Pediatric Occupational Therapists work with children with autism, sensory processing disorder, fine motor and/or feeding delays, visual motor and handwriting challenges, developmental differences secondary to trauma, and much more.
